Co-création durable de structures d’oxyde de graphène réactives dans une approche transdisciplinaire des sciences des matériaux et du design.

March 26th, 2024

Alice Jarry and Marta Cerruti will present their interdisciplinary and collaborative research project on responsive graphene oxide structures in the "Merging Points: Research-Creation in an Intersectoral Context" panel during the Rencontres Interdisciplinaires d'Hexagram event.
It's often said that fragmented minds can only produce fragmented knowledge and societies. At a time when we are more aware than ever of the complexity of reality and of the interconnectedness of the questions that arise from it, it seems that isolated approaches to research are no longer adequate. Yet, for some years now, Quebec's science policy has focused on approaches that are no longer content to be simply transdisciplinary. It has taken this logic to a new level by blurring the boundaries between sectors that previously seemed very far apart. Today, we're no longer surprised to hear of cross-sectoral research between the health, natural and social sciences; or even to see artistic creation intersecting with psychiatry, engineering or quantum physics. But we still know too little about how teams doing such research manage to understand each other, share common goals, or collaborate in a continuous and conclusive manner.


In order to have an in-depth look at this subject, we're proposing two panels featuring front-line witnesses who have been lucky enough to take part in this kind of adventure. They will undoubtedly be able to reveal some of the methodological and epistemological aspects that sometimes emerge from blind spots, if not tend to remain in the shadows. Focusing on projects supported by two of the Fonds de recherche du Québec's intersectoral research support programs, PRISME (ART) and Audace, we will examine the trajectories of a number of Hexagram members whose research-creation approaches play a leading role.

Participants: Alice Jarry, Marta Cerruti

Critical Practices in
Materials and Materiality