Dr. Alice Jarry Appointed to KHEOPS Scientific Committee

October  1,  2021

The International Research Consortium on the Governance of Large Infrastructure Projects appoints two new members on the scientific committee.
During the KHEOPS Annual General Meeting two new members were appointed to the scientific committee of the Board of directors: Alice Jarry and David Talbot. The Consortium welcomes them.

Alice Jarry has been working with KHEOPS for several years. For example, she created the exhibition Dust Agitator Series presented during KHEOPS Summit on infrastructures and social issues in 2018.
More recently, she participated in the Colloquium Integration of Non-Financials Benefits in Major Projects as a speaker. David Talbot is an associate professor at École nationale d’administration publique. His expertise is in project impact assessment. He also works on sustainable development, environmental and social impact assessment, measure and performance evaluation or on corporate social responsibility.

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