Dr. Adrian Ranga (KU Leuven) to present his research and practice in Spec Life
March 31, 2024
From April 2nd – 5th, Prof. Dr. Adrian Ranga will be our guest at the Milieux Institute and on April 2nd at 12PM, he will host a presentation of his research and practice in the Speculative Life Cluster (EV 10.625).
From April 2nd – 5th, Prof. Dr. Adrian Ranga will be our guest at the Milieux Institute and on April 2nd at 12PM, he will host a presentation of his research and practice in the Speculative Life Cluster (EV 10.625).
Dr. Adrian Ranga heads the Laboratory of Bioengineering and Morphogenesis (LBM) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KU Leuven. He is a bioengineer with a multidisciplinary background in mechanical engineering (B.Eng,M.Eng McGill University), synthetic biomaterials, microfluidics (PhD, EPFL) and developmental biology (Post-Doc, Harvard Medical School). He has pioneered the use of 3D combinatorial microarrays to explore the role of the microenvironment on stem cell differentiation and organoid patterning. Since starting his research group in Belgium in 2016, his focus has been on developing novel bioengineering approaches to understand in-vitro morphogenesis in neural and paraxial mesoderm organoid model systems.
His group investigates the role of active mechanical forces in coordinating organoid fate specification, growth and patterning, and develops modular microfluidic tools to microvascularize organoids and create programmable morphogen fields to shape synthetic morphogenesis.
This will be an opportunity to collectively discuss the potentialities and challenges of art-science collaborations, whether in terms of infrastructure, practices, methods, protocols, public engagement.
Bring your lunch!
This will be an opportunity to collectively discuss the potentialities and challenges of art-science collaborations, whether in terms of infrastructure, practices, methods, protocols, public engagement.
Bring your lunch!