Fossilation Featured in Domus
August 10, 2021
The Fossilation project presented in the article “Criticism has Infiltrated Design, with Lacks”.
The Fossilation project presented in the article “Criticism has Infiltrated Design, with Lacks”.

The Fossilation project presented in the article Criticism has Infiltrated Design, with Lacks (Liu, A., Innella, G., Petroni, M., and Quinz, E.) which explores the possibilities of a post-Anthropocene world: the problems to be dealt with and the limits to be overcome.
Fossilation is a large bioplastic membrane and an apparatus harvesting the residual energy of the Pompidou Centre to interact with light. It is part of the Membranes in Action research-creation project is funded by SSHRC.
Fossilisation combines design, art, techno sciences, and media studies. It was co-developed as part of an international collaboration between three research-creation teams (Concordia University, Montreal; EnsadLab - the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Laboratory –
Fossilation is a large bioplastic membrane and an apparatus harvesting the residual energy of the Pompidou Centre to interact with light. It is part of the Membranes in Action research-creation project is funded by SSHRC.
Fossilisation combines design, art, techno sciences, and media studies. It was co-developed as part of an international collaboration between three research-creation teams (Concordia University, Montreal; EnsadLab - the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Laboratory –
Université PSL; University of Toronto Mississauga).
The project, co-directed by Alice Jarry (Concordia University), Marie-Pier Boucher (University of Toronto Mississauga), and Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab / Reflective Interaction and Chair in Arts and Sciences), received support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Chair in Arts and Sciences of the École polytechnique, the École des Arts Décoratifs - PSL, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, Hexagram – international network of research-creation in art, culture, and technology, and Concordia University's Milieux Institute for art, culture, and technology. The project was put together for the “Matières d'image” exhibit as part of the 2021 Hors Pistes Festival, curated by Géraldine Gomez.
The project, co-directed by Alice Jarry (Concordia University), Marie-Pier Boucher (University of Toronto Mississauga), and Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab / Reflective Interaction and Chair in Arts and Sciences), received support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Chair in Arts and Sciences of the École polytechnique, the École des Arts Décoratifs - PSL, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, Hexagram – international network of research-creation in art, culture, and technology, and Concordia University's Milieux Institute for art, culture, and technology. The project was put together for the “Matières d'image” exhibit as part of the 2021 Hors Pistes Festival, curated by Géraldine Gomez.