Transformation through Artistic Practices: Imagining Socio-Ecological Futures

May 9, 2024

Alice Jarry and Philippe Vandal present at the  Biosphère | Espace pour la vie during Molior’s event Transformation through Artistic Practices: Imagining Socio-Ecological Futures.

Molior is organizing a day of conferences and exchanges at the Biosphère | Espace pour la vie on Thursday, May 9, 2024. The event is free and open to the public. It is produced in collaboration with Espace pour la vie and Concordia University Research Chair in Critical Practices in Materials and Materiality.

Taking the transformative power of art and design as a point of departure, this one-day symposium highlights the field’s contribution to interconnected ecological and social challenges. The discussions will examine how artistic practices can reveal complex nuances of contemporary issues, imagine alternative futures, in addition to catalyzing the emergence of knowledge and know-how. Through presentations, roundtables, demos and exchanges with the public, this event will explore these topics at different scales and from a variety of angles, ranging from systemic dynamics to the individual approaches of artists and exhibition.

This event is part of a series of symposia that Molior organizes throughout the year with partners from various fields outside the arts. This approach aims to foster interdisciplinary encounters between the speakers and among the public. 
Alice Jarry will present Critical Materiality and ecological imaginaries

While the majority of resources extracted, transformed, consumed and discarded still struggle to find a useful second life, the multiple social and environmental implications of this linear regime underline the increasingly complex entanglements between the Technosphere and the Biosphere. How to develop more sustainable forms of interaction between technology, humans and ecological milieux? How to reconcile methods and concerns to materialize sensory and sensitive experiences of critical issues that are often invisible, distributed, and delocalized?

This presentation will address the works of the Chair and its affiliated laboratory, the Milieux Institute’s Speculative Life Biolab. Through research-creation that combines material and environmental science practices, the Chair draws on the transformative potential of residual, bio-inspired and bio-composed materials to examine the socio-environmental, aesthetic and political issues associated with material and cultural production. Through various projects, this presentation will examine how this art-science platform can encourage novel social uses of research-creation, and address the affective and effective aspects of materiality to foster the emergence of novel critical imaginaries.

Philippe Vandal will share their research-creation work with the public, presenting devices and artifacts, posters and documentation.
The public will be invited to meet and chat with them over a drink.

Critical Practices in
Materials and Materiality